Wednesday, December 19, 2007

paris vacation

We are in Paris right now, so no cooking or baking for a while..
some laundry for mummyji to do though, hmmm, here in the apartment which we've rented for our stay here..
no big deal there, cos no ironing to be done, hahaha

ok now, that's all there is gonna be for this week, a brief respite from all that walking, shopping, eating..

hey, Mummyji's on vacation now!

cheers, everybody! Check out our vacation photos

Friday, December 14, 2007

new bakes

Mummyji was pottering in the kitchen for a couple of days last week, simulating the life of a SHM (that's Stay Home Mum for you ). Forgot to get some shots of the plats du jour in all the excitement, only remembered the breks and dessert.

This is the batch of double choc muffins.

Cross-section of lemon-blueberry muffin, adapted from Dorie Greenspan's orangey blueberry muffin. The lemon zest and lemon juice didn't impart as strong a citrus scent as an orange would have, in mummyji's humble opinion. Well, guess the next time we'll just stick to orange as in the original recipe.

And here's a chocolate truffle pie, topped with fresh organic raspberries, baked specially for Mamaji's visit. Mummyji really liked the tart raspberry on the rich dark chocolate, but the little ones kept asking, Yi-ma, how come the berries are so hairy?

Aren't these cute? They just remind mummyji of a flock of plump geese sunbathing in a pond... hahaha
Actually they are Mummyji's virginal batch of meringues baking in a low oven.
They turned out pretty well, mummyji's really proud to say - they were crispy and light, not too sweet... simply fabulous!

And they're so simple to make too, just a couple of egg whites and half a cup of sugar whipped till they became a fluffy white cloud which could hold peaks, then baked slowly in a low oven of 100 - 120 deg C, with the oven door slightly ajar for an hour.
Mummyji's gotta do another batch for the beloved daddyji seems to like them with his morning macchiato cuppa.
Well, that's gotta wait for a couple of weeks, as we'll be off to Paris for our long-awaited vacation in less than 2 days!
Yay! Paris, here we come!
A very Merry Festive Season to one and all!
Au revoir!

P.S. Just in case u are wondering, the simulation of the life of SHM was pretty fun, except that it would have helped greatly if the FDW was still around! FYI, yea, we're in the midst of another maid change.... again....sigh... anyways, Mummyji'll rather not talk about this frustrating issue right now. Let's not dampen the countdown-to-vacation mood now! Watch out for our vacation pics....

parting shots of Hans... and welcome Svens

Yea, yea, Mummyji's a sentimental old ninny.. It's been 2 weeks since we've parted with Hans.. it's really time to let go.

Svens looking quite at home after being driven back from the showroom by a beaming Daddyji.
This new fella's literally oozing Nordic cool, he's effortlessly powerful and sitting behind the wheel in his cockpit (;->) never fails to set Mummyji's heart on fire..
May we have many exhilarating years of companionship, Svens! And wilkommen to the family!